l29utp0 3 years ago
parent b8ce653aab
commit f0513452ed
  1. 464

@ -2,95 +2,211 @@ extends ../layout.pug
include ../mixins/post.pug include ../mixins/post.pug
block head block head
title Frequently Asked Questions title Perguntas Frequentes
block content block content
h1.board-title FAQ h1.board-title Perguntas Frequentes
include ../includes/stickynav.pug include ../includes/stickynav.pug
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 .table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor .anchor
table table
tr tr
th Frequently Asked Questions th Perguntas frequentes
tr tr
td.post-message td.post-message
b General b Geral
ul.mv-0 ul.mv-0
li: a(href='#whats-an-imageboard') What is an imageboard? li: a(href='#denunciar') Como posso denunciar uma publicação?
li: a(href='/rules.html') What are the rules? li: a(href='#cripto') Como posso ajudar o ptchan.org?
li: a(href='#contact') How can I contact the administration? li: a(href='#legalDMCA') Remoção de conteúdo que infringe direitos legais/DMCA.
b Making posts li: a(href='#contactar') Como posso contactar a administração?
li: a(href='#source') Source?
b Participar
ul.mv-0 ul.mv-0
li: a(href='#captcha') How do I solve CAPTCHA? li: a(href='#criarfio') Como crio um fio?
li: a(href='#name-formatting') How do names, tripcodes and capcodes work? li: a(href='#responder') Como respondo a um fio?
li: a(href='#post-styling') What kind of styling options are available when making a post? li: a(href='#responderu') Como respondo a outro utilizador?
li: a(href='#post-info') What is the file size limit? li: a(href='#sage') O que é um sage?
li: a(href='#moderation') How does moderation work? li: a(href='#IDs') O que são IDs?
b Boards, users & permissions li: a(href='#captcha') Como resolvo o CAPTCHA?
li: a(href='#name-formatting') Como funcionam os nomes, tripcodes e capcodes?
li: a(href='#post-styling') Como posso formatar o meu texto?
//li: a(href='#post-info') Qual é o limite de ficheiros?
//li: a(href='#moderation') Como funciona a moderação?
//li: a(href='#banido') Fui banido, e agora?
b Tábuas, utilizadores & permissões
ul.mv-0 ul.mv-0
li: a(href='#make-a-board') How do I make my own board? li: a(href='#make-a-board') Como faço uma tábua?
li: a(href='#staff-and-permissions') How do staff, users and permissions work? //li: a(href='#staff-and-permissions') Como é que o staff, utilizadores e permissões funcionam?
li: a(href='#antispam') What do the board settings for antispam do? //li: a(href='#antispam') What do the board settings for antispam do?
li: a(href='#archive-reverse-url-format') What is the archive/reverse image search link url format? b Política de privacide e cookies/local storage.
li: a(href='#privacidadecookies') Política de privacidade e cookies/local storage.
th: a(href='#denunciar') Como posso denunciar uma publicação?
| Podes denunciar uma publicação que infrinja as regras clicando na seta em cima da publicação e Denunciar/Moderar - depois clica em Denúnciar ou Denúncia Global, preenche o motivo, completa o CAPTCHA e envia.
| Para denunciares várias publicações ao mesmo tempo clica nas checkboxes das publicações e vai a Ações no final da página.
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 .table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#whats-an-imageboard .anchor#cripto
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#whats-an-imageboard') What is an imageboard? th: a(href='#cripto') Como posso ajudar o ptchan.org?
tr tr
td td
li(style='display: contents;'): img(src='/misc/btc.png' title='BTC' style='width: 15px; height: 15px; vertical-align: top;')
| Bitcoin:
a.mono(href='bitcoin:12dGju65fe3eqmen5QJ1BwVZ6qvKVqRcA4') 12dGju65fe3eqmen5QJ1BwVZ6qvKVqRcA4
ul(style='word-break: break-all;')
li(style='display: contents;'): img(src='/misc/xmr.png' title='XMR' style='width: 16px; height: 16px; vertical-align: top;')
| Monero:
a.mono(href='monero:85CoSP2webVCM1ygP3M6HqTkbxAkNE7FAUMFkySp6p2LKdtnzX2uvF5b2c4stcUaRCWeWY4jPnU1JgNBXZrLxgeGUGsbKxT') 85CoSP2webVCM1ygP3M6HqTkbxAkNE7FAUMFkySp6p2LKdtnzX2uvF5b2c4stcUaRCWeWY4jPnU1JgNBXZrLxgeGUGsbKxT
th: a(href='#legalDMCA') Remoção de conteúdo que infringe direitos legais/DMCA
p p
| An imageboard is a type of discussion board where users share images and text about various topics. | If something on this website infringes on your legal rights please submit a properly formated DMCA Takedown Notice or legal equivalent to info@ptchan.org and the content will be taken down as soon as possible.
p p
| The primary difference between imageboards and traditional forums is that anybody can make a post without registering | Se algo neste site infringe os teus direitos legais envia um DMCA Takedown ou equivalente legal devidamente formatado para info@ptchan.org e o conteúdo será prontamente removido.
| an account or providing any personal information. This lowers the barrier to entry, protects user identities and focuses on what is said, rather than who says it.
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 .table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#captcha .anchor#contactar
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#captcha') How do I solve CAPTCHA? th: a(href='#contactar') Como posso contactar a administração?
tr tr
td.post-message td.post-message
p Select the boxes that correspond to each solid/filled icon in the grid. The image is shuffled and distorted, so use your brain. p
a(href='mailto:info@ptchan.org') info@ptchan.org
th: a(href='#Source') Source
img.logo(src='https://ptchan.org/asset/i/16caeeac9cb82821b7e82278f867c6e1630e79d7145849036db763aeeb561549.png' title='O australiano.')
| O ptchan existe também graças ao
a(href='https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan/' target='_blank') australiano do jschan
|considera doar para estes endereços para ajudar o desenvolvimento do software:
li(style='display: contents;'): img(src='/misc/btc.png' title='BTC' style='width: 15px; height: 15px; vertical-align: top;')
| Bitcoin:
a.mono(href='bitcoin:bc1q4elrlz5puak4m9xy3hfvmpempnpqpu95v8s9m6') bc1q4elrlz5puak4m9xy3hfvmpempnpqpu95v8s9m6
ul(style='word-break: break-all;')
li(style='display: contents;'): img(src='/misc/xmr.png' title='XMR' style='width: 16px; height: 16px; vertical-align: top;')
| Monero:
a.mono(href='monero:89J9DXPLUBr5HjNDNZTEo4WYMFTouSsGjUjBnUCCUxJGUirthnii4naZ8JafdnmhPe4NP1nkWsgcK82Uga7X515nNR1isuh') 89J9DXPLUBr5HjNDNZTEo4WYMFTouSsGjUjBnUCCUxJGUirthnii4naZ8JafdnmhPe4NP1nkWsgcK82Uga7X515nNR1isuh
th: a(href='#criarfio') Como crio um fio?
| Para criares um fio clica em Novo Fio no topo da página ou catálogo de uma tábua.
th: a(href='#criarfio') Como respondo a um fio?
| Para responderes a um fio primeiro tens que o abrir clicando em Responder e depois em Responder no topo da página do fio, também podes clicar no número da publicação para abrir o fio/caixa de resposta de forma mais rápida.
th: a(href='#responderu') Como respondo a outro utilizador?
| Para responderes a outro utilizador clica no seu número de publicação e este é adicionado automáticamente à caixa de resposta.
th: a(href='#sage') O que é um sage?
| Ao escreveres sage na caixa de email/opção a tua publicação não eleva o fio para o topo da página.
th: a(href='#IDs') O que são IDs?
| Os IDs, quando ativos numa tábua, são uma forma de identificar utilizadores dentro de um fio.
th: a(href='#captcha') Como resolvo o CAPTCHA?
img.logo(src='/misc/captcha.png' title='Usa o cérebro')
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 .table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#name-formatting .anchor#name-formatting
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#name-formatting') Name formatting th: a(href='#name-formatting') Como funcionam os nomes, tripcodes e capcodes?
tr tr
td.post-message td.post-message
p When posting, you can format the name field to include a name, tripcode , capcode, any combination of the three including leaving the field completely blank. Instead of a blank name, "Anonymous" is used, however this depends on board-specific configuration. The optional components are explained below. p Ao fazeres uma publicação podes formatar o campo do nome para incluir um nome, tripcode, capcode ou uma combinação dos três. Também podes deixar o nome em branco e o default da tábua será usado.
b Format b Formato de nome
p p
| Names should be input like: | Nomes devem ser inseridos da seguinte forma:
input(disabled='true' spellcheck='false' type='text' value='Name##Tripcode## Capcode') input(disabled='true' spellcheck='false' type='text' value='Nome##Tripcode## Capcode')
| . Tripcode and capcode are optional components. Please note the whitespace before capcodes is significant. | .
p Valid examples: p Exemplos válidos::
ol.mv-0 ol.mv-0
li name li nome
li #tripcode li #tripcode
li ##tripcode li ##tripcode
li ## capcode li ## capcode
li name#tripcode li nome#tripcode
li name##tripcode li nome##tripcode
li name## capcode li nome## capcode
li name#tripcode## capcode li nome#tripcode## capcode
li name##tripcode## capcode li nome##tripcode## capcode
li #tripcode## capcode li #tripcode## capcode
li ##tripcode## capcode li ##tripcode## capcode
li ## li ##
p The last example is considered a blank capcode and can be used as a shortcut to display your role. Additionally, if a user has multiple aplicable roles (e.g. a board owner, but the user is also global staff) capcodes will default to their lowest role. To show the higher role, you must be explicit and precede any capcode with the role name e.g. ## Global Staff or ## Global Staff capcode p O último exemplo apenas mostra a tua posição na tábua, se és o dono, mod, etc.
p Each component can be used in combination or independently. In a post number 9 would look like: p Cada elemento pode ser usado numa combinação ou independentemente, o exemplo número 9 seria:
- -
const examplePost = { const examplePost = {
"date" : new Date("2019-08-02T09:48:44.180Z"), "date" : new Date("2019-08-02T09:48:44.180Z"),
"name" : "name", "name" : "nome",
"board" : "example", "board" : "example",
"tripcode" : "!!X8NXmAS44=", "tripcode" : "!!X8NXmAS44=",
"capcode" : "##Board Owner capcode", "capcode" : "##Board Owner capcode",
"message" : "Hello, world!", "message" : "Olá mundo!",
"nomarkup" : "Hello, world!", "nomarkup" : "Olá mundo!",
"thread" : 1, "thread" : 1,
"password" : null, "password" : null,
"email" : "", "email" : "",
@ -104,73 +220,71 @@ block content
"postId" : 123 "postId" : 123
} }
+post(examplePost) +post(examplePost)
p The name appears bold in the top left, followed by the tripcode in regular weight with a !! prefix, then the capcode in a different color, bold and with a ## prefix. The colours may vary between themes but are generally distinct from each other //p The name appears bold in the top left, followed by the tripcode in regular weight with a !! prefix, then the capcode in a different color, bold and with a ## prefix. The colours may vary between themes but are generally distinct from each other
b Name b Nome
p The name is simply what name you want to be shown alongside your post. Other users can post with the same name so there is nothing preventing impersonation. This is not related to your username (for registered users). p O Nome é apenas o que queres mostrar ao lado da tua publicação, outros utilizadores podem escrever o mesmo Nome portanto não existe nada que impeça a impersonalização. Não está realacionado com a tua conta (para utilizadores registados).
b Tripcode b Tripcode
p A tripcode is a password of sorts, which users can provide in the tripcode component of their name. This tripcode is used in conjunction with a server-known secret to generate a unique* tripcode portion of the name. Long, unique tripcodes can be used as a form of identity. It is important that you keep tripcodes secret if you use them for some form of identity. A compromised tripcode can be used for impersonation and cannot be revoked in any way. Single # before tripcodes will use the traditional (what is now sometimes known as "insecure") tripcode algorithm shared by many imageboard softwares and websites. Double # before tripcodes will use a sha256 hash with server-side secret for a more secure, non-portable tripcode. p Um Tripcode é uma forma de identidade.
b Capcode b Capcode
p A capcode is a component of the name field only available to authenticated users. This includes admins, global staff, board owners and board moderators. If there is no text after the ##, the role will be displayed alone. Leaving a space and putting custom text will be prefixed by the role name. This way, the role is always shown to prevent role impersonation. p Um Capcode é uma forma de identificação para utilizadores registados e com algum tipo de função. Isto inclui admins, staff global, donos de tábuas e moderadores.
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 .table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#post-styling .anchor#post-styling
table table
tr tr
th(colspan=2): a(href='#post-styling') Post styling th(colspan=2): a(href='#post-styling') Formatação de texto
tr tr
th Input th Input
th Output th Output
tr tr
td >greentext td >citar
td td
span.greentext >greentext span.greentext >citar
tr tr
td <pinktext td <rosacitar
td td
span.pinktext <pinktext span.pinktext <risacitar
tr tr
td ==title== td ==título==
td td
span.title title span.title título
tr tr
td ''bold'' td ''negrito''
td td
span.bold bold span.bold negrito
tr tr
td __underline__ td __sublinhado__
td td
span.underline underline span.underline sublinhado
tr tr
td ~~strikethrough~~ td ~~riscado~~
td td
span.strike strikethrough span.strike riscado
tr tr
td ||spoiler text|| td ||spoiler||
td td
span.spoiler spoiler text span.spoiler spoiler
tr tr
td **italic** td **itálico**
td td
span.em italic span.em itálico
tr //tr
td (((detected))) td (((detected)))
td td
span.detected ((( detected ))) span.detected (((detected)))
tr tr
td ##2d9+3 td ##2d9+3
td td
img(src='/file/dice.png' height='16' width='16') img(src='/file/dice.png' height='16' width='16')
span.dice (##2d9+3) Rolled 2 dice with 9 sides and modifier +3 = 10 span.dice (##2d9+3) 2 dados de 9 e modificador +3 = 10
tr tr
td https://example.com td https://example.com
td: a(href='#!') https://example.com td: a(href='#!') https://example.com
tr tr
td td [links personalizados](https://example.com)
| [Board Rules](https://your.imageboard/a/custompage/rules.html) td: a(href='#!') links personalizados
small (staff only)
td: a(href='#!') Board Rules
tr tr
td >>123 td >>123
td: a(class="quote" href="#!") >>123 td: a(class="quote" href="#!") >>123
@ -198,20 +312,21 @@ block content
pre pre
| [code]aa | [code]aa
| ∧_∧ | ∧_∧
| ( ・ω・) Let's try that again. | ( ・ω・) Vamos tentar outra vez.
| [/code] | [/code]
td td
pre.aa pre.aa
| ∧_∧ | ∧_∧
| ( ・ω・) Let's try that again. | ( ・ω・) Vamos tentar outra vez.
tr tr
td(colspan=2) td(colspan=2)
| The "language" of code blocks is optional. Without it, automatic language detection is used. | A "language" das tags de código é opcional, sem ela deteção automática de código é usada.
| If the language is "plain", highlighting is disabled for the code block. If "aa" is used, the font will be adjusted for Japanese Shift JIS art. p
| Not all programming languages are supported, a subset of popular languages is used. | Se for "plain" a deteção de código é desativada. Se "aa" for usado a fonte é ajustada para Arte ASCII/Japanese Shift JIS art.
| If the language is not in the supported list, the code block will be rendered like "plain" with no highlighting. | Nem todas as linguagens de programação são suportadas.
| Languages supported: #{codeLanguages.join(', ')} p
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 | Linguagens suportadas: #{codeLanguages.join(', ')}
.anchor#post-info .anchor#post-info
table table
tr tr
@ -219,34 +334,31 @@ block content
tr tr
td td
p Max size of form data per-post is #{postFilesSize}. Because other fields e.g. name, message, etc contribute to this, the maximum size of file uploads will be very slightly smaller than this. p Max size of form data per-post is #{postFilesSize}. Because other fields e.g. name, message, etc contribute to this, the maximum size of file uploads will be very slightly smaller than this.
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 //.table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#moderation .anchor#moderation
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#moderation') How does moderation work? th: a(href='#moderation') Como funciona a moderação?
tr tr
td.post-message td.post-message
b General b Geral
p p
| Moderation is very simple. Moderation permissions are different between regular users, board staff (board owner or moderator) and globals (global staff or admin). | Moderation is very simple. Moderation permissions are different between regular users, board staff (board owner or moderator) and globals (global staff or admin).
| By default, regular users can delete, spoiler or remove the files from their own posts, provided a matching post password is supplied. They can also report or global report posts. | By default, regular users can delete, spoiler or remove the files from their own posts, provided a matching post password is supplied. They can also report or global report posts.
| Board staff have near full power over posts on their board including removing posts, stickying, spoilering, etc. even for other users posts without the need for a password. They also have access to board specific management page. | Board staff have near full power over posts on their board including removing posts, stickying, spoilering, etc. even for other users posts without the need for a password. They also have access to board specific management page.
| Global staff have full power over all posts on all boards, can access the board specific management page for any board and additionally have access to the global management page. | Global staff have full power over all posts on all boards, can access the board specific management page for any board and additionally have access to the global management page.
| More details on the specifics of permission levels is available b Denúncias locais vs. globais
a(href='#staff-and-permissions') here
| .
b Local vs. Global reports
p p
| There exists the concept of "local" and "global" reports. Reporting a post locally will show the post along with reports on the report page for that particular board, and the reports | There exists the concept of "local" and "global" reports. Reporting a post locally will show the post along with reports on the report page for that particular board, and the reports
| may be actioned upon by the board staff. Reporting a post globally will show the post along with reports on the global manage page available only to global staff and may be actioned upon by global staff. | may be actioned upon by the board staff. Reporting a post globally will show the post along with reports on the global manage page available only to global staff and may be actioned upon by global staff.
| Global reports should be used to flag posts that violate global rules such as illegal content or spam, in contrast to local reports which are for posts that abide by global rules but break | Global reports should be used to flag posts that violate global rules such as illegal content or spam, in contrast to local reports which are for posts that abide by global rules but break
| board-specific rules (which may be made arbitrarily by board staff). It is also possible to be banned from a board or globally for abuse of the report system. | board-specific rules (which may be made arbitrarily by board staff). It is also possible to be banned from a board or globally for abuse of the report system.
b Batch processing of posts b Processar publicações em massa
p p
| Each post has a checkbox in the top left to select it for moderation actions. Multiple posts may be selected to allow batch processing e.g. reporting multiple offending posts in one request. | Each post has a checkbox in the top left to select it for moderation actions. Multiple posts may be selected to allow batch processing e.g. reporting multiple offending posts in one request.
| The same is present in moderation interfaces. Some actions for example bans (which are based on IP) may also be handled in batches. Selecting multiple posts and using the ban action will | The same is present in moderation interfaces. Some actions for example bans (which are based on IP) may also be handled in batches. Selecting multiple posts and using the ban action will
| apply a single ban for each unique IP of the selected posts. | apply a single ban for each unique IP of the selected posts.
b Time format in moderation interfaces b Formato da duração de bans, etc
p p
| Some moderation interfaces, for example the ban duration when moderating posts, or the ban duration for post filtering use a shorthand for times/length. This format supports years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. | Some moderation interfaces, for example the ban duration when moderating posts, or the ban duration for post filtering use a shorthand for times/length. This format supports years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
| An input of "3mo" would mean 3 months and "1y2mo3w4d5h6m7s" would mean 1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds. Units of time should be in descending order, so "2w1mo" is invalid. | An input of "3mo" would mean 3 months and "1y2mo3w4d5h6m7s" would mean 1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds. Units of time should be in descending order, so "2w1mo" is invalid.
@ -255,19 +367,19 @@ block content
.anchor#make-a-board .anchor#make-a-board
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#make-a-board') How do I make my own board? th: a(href='#make-a-board') Como faço uma tábua?
tr tr
td td
p p
a(href='/register.html') Register a(href='/register.html') Regista
| an account, then | uma conta, depois
a(href='/create.html') create a board a(href='/create.html') cria uma tábua
|. Please avoid making excessive amounts of boards, duplicate or boards similar to an existing one unless you expect that many users will migrate to the new board for whatever reason e.g. tyrannical moderation. |. Evita fazer tábuas excessivas ou que já existam.
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 //.table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#staff-and-permissions .anchor#staff-and-permissions
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#staff-and-permissions') How do staff, users and permissions work? th: a(href='#staff-and-permissions') Como é que o staff, utilizadores e permissões funcionam?
tr tr
td td
p p
@ -285,11 +397,11 @@ block content
li Board owner: Same as board moderator li Board owner: Same as board moderator
li Board moderator: All below, move/merge, ban, delete-by-ip, sticky/sage/lock/cycle li Board moderator: All below, move/merge, ban, delete-by-ip, sticky/sage/lock/cycle
li Regular user: Reports, and post spoiler/delete/unlink if the board has them enabled li Regular user: Reports, and post spoiler/delete/unlink if the board has them enabled
| Administrators can set account types for users on the global management accounts page. Normally only Admin (level 0), Global Staff (level 1) and Regular User (level 4) are assigned here. | Administrators have the ability to assign a permission level directly to users through the global management page. Typically a user is level 4 (regular user), 1 (global staff) or 0 (administrator).
| Level 2 or 3 permission is handled internally for users on boards they own or moderate, while their account remains listed as "Regular User". However admins can manually assign Global Board Owner (level 2) and Global Board Mod (level 3) | Level 2 and 3 are usually only applicable to users when on a board they are owner or moderator. However, level 2 or 3 can be assigned manually to create global board owners or global board moderators
| to grant an account board owner or moderation permissions on all boards, but without access to the global moderation interfaces. If assigning Global Board Owner (level 2), they will have access to the board settings | who have board owner or moderation permissions on all boards, but without access to the global moderation interfaces. If assigning global board owners (level 2), they will have access to the board settings
| and the ability to reassign board owners. | and the ability to reassign board owners.
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 //.table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#antispam .anchor#antispam
table table
tr tr
@ -311,24 +423,148 @@ block content
p Strict Filtering: More aggressively match filters, by normalising the input compared against the filters. p Strict Filtering: More aggressively match filters, by normalising the input compared against the filters.
p Filter Mode: What to do when a post matches a filter. p Filter Mode: What to do when a post matches a filter.
p Filter Auto Ban Duration: How long to automatically ban for when filter mode is set to ban. Input the duration in time format described in the #[a(href='#moderation') moderation section]. p Filter Auto Ban Duration: How long to automatically ban for when filter mode is set to ban. Input the duration in time format described in the #[a(href='#moderation') moderation section].
.table-container.flex-center.mv-5 .table-container.flex-center.mv-5
.anchor#archive-reverse-url-format .anchor#privacidadecookies
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#archive-reverse-url-format') What is the archive/reverse image search link url format? th: a(href='#privacidadecookies') Política de privacidade
tr tr
td td.post-message
| Os endereços IP são anonimizados e apenas estão disponíveis no seu formato original à administração, ficam associados à publicação e são automaticamente eliminados quando a publicação sai da tábua ou depois de 7 dias.
p p
| Put a link with | Todos os cookies e local storage utilizados pelo ptchan são apenas para o seu correto funcionamento e personalização. O ptchan não usa cookies de terceiros ou tracking publicitário.
span.mono %s .table-container.flex-center.mv-5
| where the url of the page/file should go for reverse image search or archive links. For example
span.mono https://tineye.com/search?url=#[span.bold %s]
| .
table table
tr tr
th: a(href='#contact') How can I contact the administration? th(colspan=3) Cookies e Local Storage
th Nome
th Tipo
th Função
td connect.sid
td Cookie
td Sessão de conta
td captchaid
td Cookie
td Captcha
td wpcc
td Cookie
td Consentimento cookies
td /css/themes/*
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td 24
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td alwaysshowreplies
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td codetheme
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td crispimages
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td customcss
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td dragleft
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td dragtop
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td filters1
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td heightlimit
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td hiddenimages
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td hiddenrecursive
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td hiddenthumbnails
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td hiddenloadingbars
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td hidepoststubs
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td live
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td name
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td localtime
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td notifications-yous-only
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td noncolorids
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td notifications
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td postpassword
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td relative
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td scroll
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td theme
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td volume
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td yous-setting
td Local Storage
td Personalização
td yous
td Local Storage
td Personalização
tr tr
p Example
